Odd giraffe: Shopify e-commerce website development

Odd Giraffe is an eco-conscious stationery brand that thrives on the art of personalisation and infusing your stationery with creative expression. We gave Odd Giraffe's e-commerce website a fresh new look, enabled product personalisation with live preview and automated their order fulfilment process to be able to handle 1000s of orders per day.

Unsaid banner image

Brand requirements

  • Redesign website according to design spec and brand guidelines
  • Customer should be able to preview personalisation on products
  • A solution to automate the fulfilment of orders
  • Transaction emails
  • Abandoned cart retargeting
  • Product search

Services Provided

Services Provided

Shopify development

Frontend redesign

We redesigned the website to match design and brand specifications provided by Odd Giraffe.

Odd giraffe frontend
Product personalisation & preview

The user is able to review their personalised product through a live preview.

Order fulfilment automation

Print ready PDFs with product personalisation specifications are directly sent to the printing vendor when orders are placed on the website. This saves Odd Giraffe a lot of manual effort to fulfil 1000s of orders in a day.

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